Liquid Sensor LP-9Y

■ LP-9Y液位传感器可以测量从0.1mH20起微小量程到200mH²O,可测量水、油溶液及腐蚀性低黏度液体介质,多种连接方式可以满足各种特定的安装需求,多种标准信号输出电气接口和压力端口,可以广泛应用到各个领域。
■ LP-9Y can measure liquid level from 0.1mH²O to 200mH²O, and can measure water, oilsolution and corrosive low viscosity liquid media, it can meet a variety of specifific installation needs with a variety of connection methods and is available with multi signal output electrical interface and pressure ports, which can be widely used in various fifields.
◆ 污水处理池液位检测
◆ 敞口罐体液位测量
◆ 泵站水库江河液位测量
◆ 市政下水道液位检测
◆ Liquid level of sewage tank
◆ Liquid level measurement of opening vessel
◆ liquid level measurement of river, reservoir,pump station
◆ liquid level measurement of Municipal sewage